Holvonix LLC - We’re a small game studio from sunny California, bringing bite-sized goodness to the world since November 2015.

Customer Support: Need help with our online or mobile apps?

First, check out the page specific to the app you have questions about (see the bottom of the page to find each of our current apps). If you can’t find what you’re looking for on this site, Tweet @HolvonixSupport.

If you decide to contact us, never send us any private or sensitive information (like passwords or credit card numbers) and understand that we may not be able to respond to all inquiries. For now, we can only correspond in English. Thanks for your cooperation!

Please also see our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


Purchases: Questions about specific charges or transactions for purchases?

Apps or other digital content from the App Store:

If you have a question regarding an Holvonix LLC app, see the Customer Support section above. If you have a question or issue with a transaction or charge, please contact the App Store - you may want to start here. Holvonix LLC doesn’t receive individual transaction details from the App Store, and we cannot issue refunds or lookup your transaction.

If a non-consumable in-app purchase seems to be missing, try restoring your purchases. Most of our apps that support in-app purchase have a Restore Purchases or similarly-named button in their in-app Settings screen (often represented by a gear). If you uninstall/reinstall an app, don’t re-purchase non-consumable items: instead, just restore them while using the same App Store account you used for the original in-app purchase(s).

Consumable in-app purchases cannot be restored. If you uninstall the app, you cannot get them back.

Merchandise (ex. shirts) from a third party (like Represent.com):

Please contact the third-party store directly. Your order e-mail will likely have a contact for support. Holvonix LLC doesn’t receive your individual transaction details from the third-party store, and we cannot issue refunds, handle returns, or lookup your transaction. If you desire a refund or return, please read the third-party store’s policies carefully to see if that is permitted.


Remember: don't send us any sensitive or private info.
@Holvonix for product news
@HolvonixSupport for support

Your use of this site is subject to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Also see other Legal Documents.


See our Trademarks page.

Third-party software

This site may use original or modified versions of: Materialize, Jekyll, jQuery, Cookie Consent, Google Fonts, Material Design icons by Google, their subcomponents, and more. See relevant open-source license details by viewing the site source and/or visiting the links above, as applicable.

Company information

Holvonix LLC is a California limited liability company.
Information for our Agent for Service of Process is filed with the California Secretary of State.